Critical Failure Chart 5e Dungeons and Dragons Easy Chart 5e

missed Now for the bad stuff. Fumbles, critical failures, epic fails; whatever you want to call them.  I've put together some tables that provide results on a 1, or in my case, two 1s coming up on a attack roll with advantage or disadvantage. Melee with weapons, unarmed melee/natural weapons, ranged attack with weapon and spell attack tables are provided for your pleasure and pain.  The link to all 4 is below the sample for Melee weapons.

Melee with weapon                                                                                                                                                                                                         D100

01 – 05 Slipped. You must make a successful DC 10 DEX Save or immediately fall prone.

06 – 09 Pulled up lame. You must make a successful DC 10 CON save or your speed is halved until the end of the encounter..

10 Something in your eye. Your melee attacks only do half damage for the remainder of the encounter.

11 – 15 Wicked backswing. You strike yourself slightly on your backswing and take 1d8 damage.

16 – 19 Wind knocked out of you. You become exhausted to level 1 of that condition.

20 Loss of confidence. You gain disadvantage for your attacks against this opponent for the remainder of the encounter.

21 – 25 Shook yourself up. You are stunned for 1 rd.

26 – 29 Give them hope. Your target's allies within 30 feet gain a d6 inspiration die that can be used during this encounter.

30 Panic attack. You must make a successful DC 10 WIS Save or become frightened for the remainder of the encounter.

31 – 35 Dropped weapon. Your drop your weapon and it falls 10' from your location in a random direction.

36 – 39 Discombobulated. You become incapacitated for 1 rd.

40 You've fallen and you can't get up. You immediately fall prone and lose all movement this round.

41 – 45 Bad timing. You drop to last in the imitative order for the combat but do not act again this turn.

46 – 49 Broken bone.   You break a bone in your hand. You suffer disadvantage for the rest of the encounter and take 1d6 damage every rd. until healed.

50 Easy prey.   Allies of the target within 20' will attack you with their next turn, unless they would suffer an Attack of Opportunity to do so.

51 – 55 Exposed defenses. Your swing unbalances you so much that your target may take one melee attack against you as a reaction.

56 – 59 Your own worst enemy. You suffer the effects of a bane spell for the remainder of the encounter.

60 Unguarded. All adjacent allies of your target may immediately take an attack of opportunity against you.

61 – 65 Costly mistake. Your target may reroll all 1s and 2s on the damage roll for his next successful melee attack vs. you.

66 – 69 Revealed intentions. You and your allies all suffer disadvantage for your next attack.

70 Wrong target.   You mistakenly strike an ally adjacent to you with your attack.

71 – 75 Lodged weapon. Your weapon becomes stuck in the floor or a nearby object. You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.

76 – 79 Devastating error. As a free action your opponent may immediately make one melee attack with advantage against you as a reaction.

80 Shattered.   Your weapon breaks if it is non-magical. Enchanted weapons must make a DC 8 Save and get a +1 to their roll for every + of the weapon.

81 – 85 Thrown weapon. You lose your grip and throw your weapon. It lands 30' from your location in a random direction.

86 – 89 Panic attack.   You immediately suffer the effects of the Confusion spell for 1 rd.

90 Horrible aftermath.   Roll twice on this chart and apply both effects to yourself.

91 – 95 Self-inflicted wound. Your attack ricochets back and you hit yourself. Roll your damage as if you had hit your target and apply it to yourself.

96 – 99 Did you see that? Your attack ricochets back and you hit yourself. Apply the maximum damage to yourself as if you had hit your target.

100 No! Your attack ricochets back and you hit yourself. Apply the maximum critical damage to yourself as if you had hit your target.


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