My Baby Fell Off the Bed Should I Take Her to the Hospital

Here are 5 important things you must do when baby falls off the bed. Quick tips to help baby who fell off the bed or changing table.  Help! Baby fell off the bed , what do I do? Here are the tips!

Want to know what happens and what to do when baby falls off the bed? Are you worried baby may have a brain injury after he fell off the bed while sleeping or on the changing table? I'm going to share with you important tips of what to do the minute your baby falls off the bed. But, first know that even though this is a scary experience, you're not the only parent going through this.

In fact, did you know that in children under age 1, falls account for over 50 percent of nonfatal injuries? (source). It happened to me and my hubby with our first child and our twins. We were so scared and worried of course, but one thing that we learned from those experiences is to not panic.

You need to be calm in order to make rational decisions and in order to look out for the warning signs that deserve a visit to the emergency room right away! When baby falls off the bed, time slows down and a number of things can run through your mind. I'm here to answer your questions and to give you tips of what to do after.

Pediatrics baby fall off bed questions:

1.Can a baby falling cause brain damage?

The quick answer to this question is NO. Baby falling and hitting his head does not mean he has brain damage. Even though baby's head is delicate and sensitive, it protects baby's brain. The fall needs to impact the brain directly in some way to be considered brain damage.

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2. Can a baby sleep after a fall?

This one is a tricky one because I usually do not make them fall asleep right away after a fall. Why? Well I followed my moms and family members advice. But, the good news is that:

"Even if your child has had a little bump and doesn't need to see a doctor right away, keep an eye on him for a few days. There's no need to prevent him from sleeping, and a restorative nap after an emotional trauma like a scary fall can be comforting".(source)

Want your baby to teach your baby to self soothe? So he can sleep by himself and longer through the night? You must read the self soothe ebook!

what to do when baby falls off bed

3. How do you know if a baby has a concussion?

These are the signs to look out for if you suspect or want to know if baby has a concussion after a fall or hit on the head:

  1. Crying unstoppable
  2. Irritable
  3. Eating habit changes
  4. Vomiting right after fall
  5. Bump or bruise on head
  6. Is lethargic
  7. Sleeping habits changes (sleep more or sleeps less than usual)

Remember mama to always consult your baby's pediatrician if you notice anything different in your baby. Follow your mama instincts.

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4 ways to know baby is okay after falling down and hitting head

1.Baby stops crying after being comforted

2.Baby is active after a few minutes of fall

3. Your baby is acting "normal" (playing, laughing, being himself)

4. Eating and sleeping habits have not been interrupted

5 things you must do the minute baby falls off the bed

baby crying falling off bed

1.Calm down first

First things first when a baby falls off a bed or changing table and hits his head. You need to calm down and recoup before making any decisions. Being in a calm state will transfer that energy to your baby. I know this can seem like the worst scenario possible, but you are not helping yourself or baby if you're crying, screaming or in a panic mode.

Have you thought about getting a  owlet smart sock? Is a great way for parents to watch baby, track baby heart rate and oxygen levels. Having peace of mind in knowing your baby is safe asleep is priceless!

2. Call pediatrician

If you are too nervous and worried that your baby may have a head trauma. I will advise you to call your baby's doctor right away. He/she will tell you the next steps to take. Of course your baby's doctor is going to ask you a series of questions regarding the fall and how your baby is doing.

Is always best to be on the safe side, specially if it's your first time dealing with your baby falling from bed. It is scary, believe me I've gone through it a couple of times. So, I understand.

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3.Know the warning signs (is it an emergency?)

After calming down, let's look at the warning signs you should be looking out for. In order to know if your baby needs emergency help right away he/she must be displaying one of these signs. Here are a few things you should be aware off when your baby falls on his head.

Warning signs to look out for after baby falls:

  • vomiting
  • seizure
  • doesn't sleep or sleeps too much
  • serious wound on head
  • bleeding on head, nose, mouth
  • irritable
  • abnormal breathing or slow breathing
  • loss of conscious

Notice any other visible signs that your baby has gone through head trauma?Go to the emergency room, call your baby's pediatrician right away!

4. Monitor your baby

Right after baby falls off bed, you need to monitor your baby for a couple of days. Making sure your baby is not dizzy, vomiting more than once, or the wound is not getting worse. Try talking or playing with baby to see if his up for it. If you notice any changes in your baby that you find alarming, then you should make an appointment with your baby's pediatrician.

Having a good sleeping habit with baby is key to a good night sleep. This is A Step-by-Step Sleep Training Guide to Help Your Baby Sleep through the Night. Here's how to teach your baby to self soothe!

5. You're not a bad parent

You are not a bad parent because your baby fell off bed or changing table or down the stairs. Honestly it may feel like it, you may have guilt which is totally normal. But, know that falls happen and you are not the first or only parent that is going to deal with it.

Yes is scary to hear that thud sound following by your baby's uncontrollable cries. It is definitely something we as parent do not want to ever go through. But it happens. Just take a deep breath and once baby is safe and sound, give yourself some grace!

How to help baby when he falls off the bed

  1. First call doctor if baby is less than one years old. For safety measures and peace of mind.
  2. If the area is bleeding or swollen. Apply pressure gently on area with a gauze or clean cloth.
  3. Pick up baby and comfort him immediately.

When baby falls off the bed it is of course an alarming and a scary situation for any parent. But, know that in most cases it does not cause any serious harm to baby. That's a relief!

Make sure to call your baby's doctor for further instructions after a fall. Know the warning signs to look out for to seek immediate help. I hope these tips are helpful in knowing what to do after baby falls off bed and hits her head.

5 things you must do the minute baby falls off the bed

My Baby Fell Off the Bed Should I Take Her to the Hospital


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