How to Invite Friends to a Birthday Dinner

Happy Birthday Wishes

Here we provide you some best and awesome happy birthday wishes for your friends and loved ones. A Birthday is a very special day and with the pleasant greetings and wishes its specialty increases. If you want to cheer up and brighten the day of your friends and loved ones by giving them warm wishes, then this is the best platform for you. These greeting can be used as wall post as well as SMS. These happy birthday wishes will surely cheer them up and will make their heart warm at the same time. Expressing your real thoughts of the birthday of the people you love is never that easier. You do not have words sometimes to wish them they way they like. These quotes, sayings, and happy birthday wishes are the best way to wish your friends, family members or anyone else. Use these special sayings and happy birthday wishes to make their day more special. You can post these on the facebook and use as a text message as well. All these wishes can be used for saying happy birthday to your brothers and sisters, girlfriend or boyfriend, the best lady in the world (mother) and the best man (father). You can also write small happy birthday wishes on the birthday cake to look more special. Write these on the cards or charts and wish your loved ones a very belated birthday.

Here are the lovely birthday wishes :

"May you have a splendid birthday. I wish, your every day become happy, joyful and full of laughter"

May your next year be filled with the happiness of smiles and love. I wish that you find lots of cherished moments, joy and love. Happy Birthday"

On your day, I wish you better luck for the future. May you succeed in every race of the life. Have a wonderful birthday and may your every day be special and delightful. Happy Birthday"

Having a friend as nice as you just filled up my life with happiness and joy. Hence my text delivers warm thoughts and love to a special birthday boy/girl. Lots of love. Happy Birthday"

"You need lots of love and care because you are so special. Happy Birthday"

On this special day, I wish that the every day of your next year be filled with love, joy, happiness, and warmth. May you get everything you want"

"Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for being there by my side whenever I needed you. Happy Birthday"

"Let all your obstacles vanish in just a fiction of second. Happy Birthday"

"Light your birthday candles with the warmth of your thoughts. Have a lovely birthday"

"I wish that this special day brings lots and lots of happiness in your life, and all your problems get solved. Happy Birthday Dear"

"The distance is never an issue to me, you will always be there in my heart. And how can you not be on this special day? Happy Birthday"

"I hope you have a wonderful day, and I pray to God that your all days be like this special day to you. Happy Belated Birthday"

"May your coming year give you happiness, and you get all the desired goals"

"On this special day of your life, I wish that you get more happiness and joy you deserve and your all dreams come true. Happy Birthday to you"

"May your day brings that smile to your face that never fade away the whole year. I wish best for you and pray that you get blessings of God. Happy Birthday, stay happy and remember me in your prayers"

"Pray to God on your special day and I wish that you get a long life without tensions and problems"

Lets light the candles and cut the cake and celebrate your special day with great joy. Have a wonder and belated birthday"

Read : Birthday wishes for mom

Also Read: Birthday wishes for sister

"You are very special to me, and I want you to stay happy all your life. May you be blessed and have a wonderful journey of life. Have a good birthday"


"And it's a special day for a special person. You proved yourself a great friend and were always there for me. I Love You. Enjoy your birthday, have a good one"

"May this coming year be filled with the blessings for you, and I pray to God for your success. Happy Birthday"

Light the candles with the fire of your dreams and celebrate this special day in a special way. Have a splendid birthday"

Also Read: Happy 1st Birthday Wishes

Funny Happy Birthday Wishes

Beside normal happy birthday wishes, there much be a factor of fun with your friends and loved ones. We have a good collection of around 100 funny birthday wishes. These funny ultimate funny birthday wishes will surely put a smile on the face of the reader. You can use these to wish your friends and family members as well and to your loved ones. The funny factor will make them laugh and have fun more.

Here is a collection of 100 funny birthday wishes for your friends:

"I have made a birthday cake for you myself, and then I had to call the firing squad for blowing out the candles on the cake"

"And one more year passed now, so it's better for you to remain over the ground, not under it. Have a belated birthday"

"As the years are passing, you are getting on the top of hill, Well, it's better than being buried under it"

"Birthdays are compared with the boogers. You know why? Because with the increase of it's number, it is harder for people to breath. Happy Birthday to you"

"Congrats, You are still younger than your age that will be on your next birthday. Have fun and celebrate your day"

"One more year passed, but that surely doesn't mean that you are getting wiser. Have a special celebration"

"I am thinking to have a buffet cake for you so that you can eat as much as you can"

"No one is going to stop eating your favorite items because its your special day. Have special celebration"

"God has kept your day special because you are free to eat as much cake and your favorite items as you can. Happy Birthday"

"Can you blow all these candles by yourself or I have to call the fire squad to help you out in this"

"I have a challenge for you, it is to blow all the candles on your cake just by sniffing"


"No matter how much years you turn today, make sure not to forget that where you kept your car keys. Have a special day and good luck"

"I have not bought a cake or anything for you because I know your love for this bottle of champagne. Ha Ha"

"There are tons of things that I remember from out history classes in school. But I have a bad news that I don't know your birthday because it was not in our course. Ha Ha! I'm late but still, Happy Birthday friend"

"Temperature in increasing in your room, please blow out the candles or your room will get on fire with this"

"Man it's cold out here but still I am feeling warm because of your birthday candles. You birthday is so hot"

"Having too many birthdays means that you are running closer to death. Sorry but these are not my word, it's scientific proven. Ha Ha. Have a good one and may you have many more"

"I know you are getting older but I don't know why you are not getting better"

"Too many candles on the cake are not good man, you are getting older too fast"

"Though it is proved by science that memory starts getting weak after 41, but for you we can just hope. Ha Ha, May you have many more special birthdays"

"Do not blow the candles now, fire squad is on the way to do their job"

"Cake is not visible because of the candles on it, do you remember those days when there were only few candles on it? Happy Birthday"

"You are still a kid man, your friends still blow the candles of your cake before you. Happy Birthday and enjoy a lot"

"Wait for the day when you will get a soft and delicious cake with no tooth in mouth. Ha Ha"

"Last week fire broke out in the candle factory and we sang "Happy Birthday" and celebrated your birthday"

"You must be feeling happy and good. Because you look like you are 50, even though you are sixty"

"Grow more and more older and go toothless. Happy Birthday"

"I hope for you to live as long as you wish. Happy Birthday"

"Man grows old like a wine and woman grows old as cheese. Old wines are so expensive you know"

"Smile, it is your birthday"

Happy Birthday Messages

"On your special day I have a duty of calling the fire squad to blow out the 50 candles on your cake. You have not enough strength as you are growing older. Ha Ha. Happy Birthday, May you see many more"

"You are getting wiser by age, and no wise man wishes to get young again"

"I want to say only one thing on your birthday: Keep smiling till you've got those teeth in your mouth"

"One more year has gone, number of candles on your cake is increasing too fast"

"Always keep smiling, though you have not all the teeth but still your smile is sweet. Happy Birthday"

"It is a common view that good things have less life, according to this you are a bad ass. Ha Ha"

"You only look old but your heart is still young enough to enjoy all the lively moments. I wish that you at least live when you lose all your teeth"

"Another birthday, another year passed, it means that you are one more year closer to your death now"

"The best secret is not revealed yet. You know what is it? Your true age. ha ha ha"


"Growing old is obvious but growing up is optional, you have totally skipped that option"

"Enjoy all the dishes at your birthday party because we're not sure if you have your teeth next time"

"Do bring a big cake next time because it was not visible under this large number of candles"

"You enjoy you day in a special way, this is the reason why you get one every year"

"Ha Ha, are you going to cut the candles? Because cake is not visible"

"You are my that friend who make me remember the older days, you are funny, smart and lovely personality. Thank you for whatever you did for me. Happy Birthday, may you have many many more"

"You are getting older day by day and year by year but no worries, just enjoy the cake and do not eat my portion please"

"You heating bill must be very low this time because you had very much candles on the cake"

"I have a delicious cake for you but I will surely help you in finishing it"

"You are me are growing too old but I hope that you will not die until you taste your birthday cake"

"So much candles that we can not count these, so lets stop counting and complete your wishes you have for today"

"You are that person for whom no gift is perfect, so I decided to bring nothing"

"Shopping anything for you on your special day is not easy, so leave it"

"The number of candles is increasing fast but the size of cake is still the same"

"Do bring a bigger cake next year, so that all the candles can fit easily"

"You have gone this older that the cost of candles is more than the cost of cake"

"A good friend is one who only knows your birth date and not how many years you are. But, I remember both of these and I feel so good for this"

"You are getting this older that you are forgetting the things now. But that doesn't mean that we forget your special day"

"If you want to know how useful your life is, measure its applications, not its length. Have a belated birthday"

"I know the reason why you are scared of your birthday. Because people send you weird messages and scary cards"

"You try to look younger but you fail. Have a wonderful birthday"

"There are millions of people whom you met or will meet in the world and among them I am the only one to who wished you first. Have a happy birthday"

"Your birthday is very special to me because world has so many blessed and special people and you are not one of them. Happy Birthday to you dear"

"Do you remember those older days? Those memories will never fade from my mind because they were so pleasant part of my life. Happy Birthday dear"

"Wisdom and grace, comes with age. Have a good luck for the coming year. Happy Birthday"

"Age is just a number to you, no matter how many years you pass, you will still be the best and most special person I know. Happy Birthday, May you have many more"


Happy Birthday Quotes

"Today I am going to reveal one of your top secrets, and that top secret is your age. Yes! Happy Birthday"

"Time runs so fast and you are growing faster too. I remember all the special and splendid memories that we had together but now it is hard to look for a tooth in your mouth. Have a special birthday and may you have many more"

"Whenever I ask you for your age, you change the topic. But today, its your birthday and you have no chance to escape"

"You give perfect example for the old people to celebrate the birthday. Food all the way but you are not allowed by the doctor to eat"

"You are the most talkative person I've ever seen. I am surprised that how you kept quite for first one and a half year. Happy Birthday to you"

"Happy Birthday! They say that getting older is an art. If this is the case, you must be Picasso"

"It would have been a government holiday if you were a special man in this country. But I thank God that you are not"

"As the time passes by, more candles will be joining you on your cake. This is the indication that you are growing faster. Happy Birthday"

"Your birthday cake is so small that it has not enough space to fit all the candles, please order a bigger one next time"

"You are very important person in my life, you are the one who has helped me out in every problem. Thank you for everything you have done for me including fights in older times"

"The number of candles on your cake is increased, I think that you need big lungs to blow out all the candles"

"Size of the cake doesn't matter at all. What matters is that you are getting older year by year"

"You do not look much old as compared to your age. You look more. Ha Ha. Happy Birthday and may you have many more"

"You have grown this much old but I do not know why you are not getting mature"

"You have grown up to an age where candles cost more than the birthday cake"

"Now it's time to say that you are getting older because you can't walk up the stairs by yourself. Happy Birthday, may you see many more"

"Your golden young days have been passed and now it is really hard for you to climb up the stairs. Happy Birthday, there are many more to come"

"Let me wish you as a first person. I want to do it before anyone else. Happy Birthday"

"I would have been buying drinks for the party if it was not your birthday"


"Are you ready to check the notifications for next 24 hours? Because its your birthday and you are going to get lots of notifications"

"Its your birthday and I want to remind you that mine is also getting closer, so be ready with the gift"

"I was getting a gift for your birthday that was funny and charming at the same time but then I realized that you have me in your life. Happy Birthday dear"

"Don't worry about your age, I will be ready with the fire extinguishers if the fire of your birthday candles go out of control. Happy Birthday to you"

"Do not worry if your age is increasing. Better to be on the top of hill than buries under it"

Hope this day will bring you a lot of happiness and joy. May you live long. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday. I wish that this special of yours day be filled with lots of happiness and love. You deserve them.

Another year have passed. May this coming year helps you in the finding your success. May you live a thousand years. Happy Birthday.

I hope this beautiful and wonderful occasion gives you a lot of happiness and fills your heart with joy. Have a really lovely birthday.

This is the perfect occasion for lighting up your world by sharing your happiness with others. Happy birthday.

Let us light a candle and celebrate your birthday. Wishing you many happy returns of the day.

I remember you when you were really young, Now you are all grown up. Time flies. May you live long. Happy Birthday my dear!

You are very special to me and so you should always keep smiling because you smile matters a lot to most of us. Happy birthday. May you have many more.

I wish you a very happy birthday. May this coming year, fills all your dreams with success. You are loved and you know it. Live long.

Create a candle of all your dreams and light them up with the fire of your heart. On this special day, i wish you a really happy birthday.

You are that one person in my life, that i always want to see happy. So lets start celebrating this special occasion. Happy birthday.

You are that person, who deserves everything best in his life. Happy birthday. Celebrate your birthday like its your last. We never know. May you live long.

I hope your are being responsible as you grow up. Have a really beautiful and lovely birthday full of joy and amazing surprises. Happy birthday

Happy Birthday. May all the best things happen to you on this birthday. Live long.

May you find all your dreams coming true. Be gorgeous as always and happy birthday fellow.

With each passing year are growing older and more beautiful. Happy Birthday mate.

I always wanted to be a really great and excellent friend, just like you. But there is like one in a million chance that i can be better than you. You are my best and foremost. Happy Birthday.

This is the day when someone really special in my life came into this world. I will celebrate this special day with all the love and joy. Happy birthday.

 After this day is gone, you are going to start another year of your life. May this coming year be full of happiness and may you find your success. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Many many happy returns of the day.

It is a beautiful occasion and so i have brought great gifts for you with sweet cake. I want to make you the most happiest person in this world because today is your day and you deserve the best. Happy Birthday.

You are the best person in my life, i wish you a very happy birthday. Many many happy returns of the day. May you have many more.

I thank all my friends, specially my best friend! You all have made such beautiful memories. I will always remember. Happy Birthday to my best friend. May you live long.


Happy Birthday Greetings

You are the best friend i have. You are my hero and my adviser. I wish you a very happy birthday.

We have shared a really beautiful childhood together. I want to tell you how much i miss our moments together. Happy birthday to the best sister in this world who have been my best childhood friend. May you live a thousand years.

If this is your birthday, then i must be out somewhere with you getting a treat form you rather than sitting around here and doing nothing. I don't believe this is your birthday.

A very happy lovely and spontaneous birthday to you. Now where is my treat?

Since we are born on the same day, and you have forgot to wish your twin brother, i have to break the ice. So i wish you a very happy birthday brother, you are the best. May you live long and always be happy.

You are the only person who have ever helped and guided me in the right direction. Without you i would have been lost somewhere in the past. You are my best man, I admire you. Happy birthday, bro.

We have shared a really beautiful childhood together. I want to tell you how much i miss our moments together. Happy birthday to the best sister in this world who have been my best childhood friend. May you live a thousand years.

Do you remember all the class bunks we did together? I miss our childhood. Look at us now, all grown up. May we live long and many many happy returns of the day. I wish you a very happy birthday!

I feel proud to have such a cool and intelligent friend. You are the best person in my life. I am lucky to have met you. Happy birthday.

This day means a lot to me. On this day my special sister came to this world and since then she have brighten up our whole house. I love you sis. Happy birthday. May you have many more.

On this special occasion, what sort of treat would i expect?
Happy birthday, Many happy returns of the day.

Hello? I Am still waiting for a party invitation?
Happy birthday, bro. You are the best.

Birthday is one of the most joyful occasions. Better celebrate it perfectly. Happy birthday.

 May you live as long as the water exists on this planet. 🙂

May you live as long as the water exists on this planet. 🙂
Happy birthday.

Birthday Wishes Quotes

Birthdays are real hard. On one hand, you celebrate that on this day you were born and on another hand, you freak out that another year of your life has gone. Time moves fast. We should not think of anything else. We should only celebrate that this is that one day which brings all the memories and friends and family together. This moment is special. We look back at the life and realize where we have left and where we are now. This is just special.

Anyways I wish you a very happy birthday. You are the best. May you have much more and may you live very long.

A birthday is something one should celebrate fully.
Happy birthday.

You are still as beautiful and lovely as you were back then. With each passing year, your beauty adds up rather than fade. Happy birthday, dear!

You are one in a million. Happy birthday. May you live for eternity.

It doesn't matter, which birthday this is. A birthday is a birthday. Age doesn't matter. Let us celebrate it as well as we can.

Happy birthday.

There is no one who is more eligible to my love than my mother. Wishing you a very happy birthday mom. I love you with all my heart; You are the best. May you live a long life.

There is none other who can ever take your place; you are the best mother one could dream of. I wish you a very happy birthday. May you live for the eternity. You are the best. Many many happy returns of the day.


All through my life, your advice have guided me everywhere. You are my ideal and my hero. Happy birthday.

I believe that for everyone his/her mom is special, but you are something extraordinary. I love you and always will. Happy Happy birthday.

Pick up all the best wishes and blessings on this special day and get to work. Prove you worth to us. Be a successful man. Happy birthday. May you have much more.

I hope this beautiful and wonderful occasion gives you a lot of happiness and fills your heart with joy. Have a lovely birthday.

On your special day, I have a duty of calling the firing squad to blow out the 50 candles on your cake. You have not enough strength as you are growing older. Ha Ha. Happy Birthday, May you see many more

I am very grateful to have a friend like you, you have always supported me. Happy birthday. May you live long

I have never seen a perfect sister like you. You are my biggest support. You have been very strong and always backed me up. We are meant to be sisters. Happy Birthday. I cherish this lovely occasion. Let's celebrate together.

Never let your birthday be simple. Always celebrate!
Thank God for giving you a chance to come into this world. We should all appreciate it.
Happy birthday, dear!

Since it is your birthday, I will forgive all the big mistakes you have done. You deserve to be happy today. Happy birthday.

A birthday is that beautiful occasion on which one should forget all his or her worries of the world and just celebrate, that God has at least given them a chance to come to this world and prove themselves.
Happy birthday, dear! May you live a thousand years and may we see you in your success.

There is no other brother like you. You are the best. You have always cheered me up even when the time was really difficult. With you on my back, I have faced all my hardships and overcome them one by one. You have taught me how to live a life. You are the best. Happy Birthday. May you have much more.

Having too many birthdays means that you are running closer to death. Sorry but these are not my word, it's scientific proven. Ha Ha. Have a good one and may you have much more.

Lets just all stop a moment and thank God for allowing us to live such a beautiful life. On this occasion, you should thank God for giving you another year. Happy birthday.

 On this birthday, don't think that have just wasted another year of your life, rather you should think that you have lived this year and are going to step into another. Thank God for letting us live in this beautiful life. Happy birthday. May you live long enough.

On this birthday, don't think that have just wasted another year of your life, rather you should think that you have lived this year and are going to step into another. Thank God for letting us live in this beautiful life. Happy birthday. May you live long enough.

Birthdays are special, you look back finding your past, and you remember all the sweet and sour memories, and it chills down your spine to know that this all just feels like tomorrow. How speedily time passes. You realize that the purpose of you coming in this world have been completed or is yet to work on? You feel like you are losing to this life and nature, and you want to try harder and harder to achieve your goals. You just don't want to leave this world like another failure; rather you want to be remembered. You want to stay alive in the heart of the people, In the minds of the people. Birthdays are teaching lessons if one could just take a moment and think about it. I think, I am not meant to celebrate my birthday until I have made sure that I have achieved what I wanted with my life. Before than I should never stop working for it.
An ideal birthday is one on which we celebrate our achieved purpose of coming to this world along with our success. Happy Birthday, May you live long and may you achieve what you want with your life.

I simple want to say a happy birthday to you. I don't have anything more to say since we have been enemies in school, high school, college, and in the first few years of job as well. Nature always brought us together in the same school, the same college, same working department. It took me a while to understand that we are not meant to be foes rather we are meant to be a team, and I am lucky to realize that because we are so perfect together. I am sorry for everything. I know how much I need you now. You are the one person I can not stand to see unhappy. May this birthday brings you a lot of happiness and joy. I wish you a good luck while you start this next year of your life. I am eager to work with you again so please just leave this celebration and lets start our project together. Ha Ha, I am kidding. This is your special day, and you deserve the best on this special occasion. So I hop that you remember a little present I send for you. Wishing you a very happy birthday, May you live long and may we remain friends for all our lives from now on.

Birthdays are real hard. On one hand, you celebrate that on this day you were born and on other hand, you freak out that another year of your life has gone. Time moves fast. We should not think of anything else. We should only celebrate that this is that one day which brings all the memories and friends and family together. This moment is special. We look back at the life and realize where we have left and where we are now. This is just special.
Anyways I wish you a very happy birthday. You are the best. May you have much more and may you live very long.

How to Invite Friends to a Birthday Dinner


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