How to Do Sit Ups Without Hurting Your Neck

Tips for not activating neck during sit-ups or crunches?

It seems like no matter how I try to do sit-ups or crunches, I can't stop straining the front of my neck. By the end of the exercise my neck hurts more than my abs.

I do planks fine without neck issues, but maybe there are some other ab exercises I can do with no equipment?

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level 1

Ab exercises that are better than crunches:

Decline planks (put your feet on the first stair tread or a stool and plank)

Side planks

Reverse planks

Windshield wipers

Leg raises

level 2

I'll add that I always prescribe my clients Bird Dog, Dead Bugs, and Planks. Even advanced clients get variants of these. They tend to work the whole core really well and are great for people with compromised core strength or back pain.

level 2

Almost anything, really. If you don't have a job with a fitness test that includes situps/crunches, there's no reason to do them.

level 2

This. Once I got my core a lot stronger by doing ab exercises like these (and push ups), I could finally do sit-ups without straining my neck.

level 2

Core exercises. This is core. Core and abs are different entities, however core exercises do activate some abdominals.

level 1

This is really odd, but I've actually found that keeping my tongue on the roof of my mouth helps me from straining my neck when doing crunches.

level 2

I came to say this! It's kinda like "one weird trick that will make personal trainers hate you" but it can really help.

level 2

Came to say the same. Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth as firm as you can. Apparently this stops certain neck muscles from activating. I was also advised to cross arms in front of my chest.

level 1

What do you do with your arms when you do a sit-up or crunch? I've noticed that if I put my arms on my chest or if I put my hands under my head, I feel that neck strain too. Instead, I have found that it feels better if I point my elbows out and just barely touch my ears with my fingertips. Maybe try that?

Or you could continue doing planks and other plank variations. I like some of these:

level 2

I've tried all kinds of things with my arms, across chest, behind my head, out to the sides, even straight up, haha.

I'll check out the planks though, thanks!

level 2

Where do you find barley during the winter?

level 1

I have this problem too. What works best for me is putting my hands on the back of my head, but lightly... not so that I'm putting weight on my hand but enough that my head and neck stay aligned. When I don't do that I end up hunching my shoulders and leading with my chin and that causes me to sit up with my neck.

level 1

Try choosing a spot on the ceiling right above your head and not taking your eyes off of it!

level 2

Or pretending there's an apple or tennis ball between your chin and chest. I briefly use my fist if I need to check myself.

level 1

Forget about your neck and forget about moving upward. Focus on your abs and contract them. This should have the result of moving your upper body off the ground, but that is not the goal. Activation of the abs is the goal.

level 2

Pilates has done wonders for my posture with daily life (sitting, walking) and other exercises (yoga, spin, weights)

level 1

I like to imagine that there is an apple between my chin and neck. This way it's not collapsing into your neck, thus using your abs more

level 2

I used to have this pilates DVD where the woman said to imagine that an invisible thread was pulling you up gently from your nose.

Dunno why, but this imagery worked for me.

How to Do Sit Ups Without Hurting Your Neck


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